Training Programs
We are NZQA registered providers with a team of qualified educators, assessors and moderators of Energy and Chemical programs. TTG Training designed and wrote the current programs used across the New Zealand Energy and Chemical industry as the benchmark for operations employees, in close consultation with our industry partners – the Employers in New Zealand.
The programs we deliver cover trainee level through to advanced supervisors and managers. They cover the current New Zealand requirements for Operators and we provide verification of competency against PCBU requirements for the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) 2015, and the Boiler Code of Practice.
The current pathway is under review (2025) and will be changing to skills standards across the board, under direction from the Workforce Development Council, Hanga Aro Rau.

Boiler House Management and Boiler House Refresher
For Controllers, Managers and Operators of Boiler Houses with options for Standard Operating Procedure templates or development of your Boiler House processes. The Refresher program offers a skills review to those who want additional training and information and already hold a qualification.
This is an online learning program.
Enrol with our team via email now.
Responsible Person - Boilers
Trainee Level
The purpose of this program is to provide the energy and chemical plant industry with competent employees who have attained the operational skills and knowledge required to work as Boiler House (unattended ) Operator Responsible Persons.
Enrol with our team via email now.

Process Operations
Trainee and Supervised Level
The purpose of this program is to provide the energy and chemical industry with competent workers who have attained the operational skills and knowledge required to work as plant and machinery operators.
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Boiler Operations Strand
Trainee and Supervised Level
Once the Process Operations Program is complete, learners can then complete the Boiler Operation strand. This recognises the specialist skills and knowledge required to operate a boiler up to 20 MW liquid and gas fuel, or up to 6 MW solid fuel.
Enrol with our team via email now.

Process Operations
Sole charge and Supervisor Level
The purpose of this program is to provide the energy and chemical plant industry with competent workers who have attained the operational skills and knowledge required to work as control room operators.
Strands recognise the specialist knowledge and skills required to operate a range of energy and chemical plant equipment and processes. Competent trainees will be capable of operating an energy and chemical plant in a self-managed capacity with broad guidance.
This follows on from completion of the earlier Pathway stages as noted above.
Strands: Advanced Steam Generation (Operation of a boiler >20 MW liquid or gas fuel, OR >6 MW solid fuels); Geothermal Plant Operation; Gas Turbine & Generator Operation; Steam Turbine & Generator Operation; Chemical Plant Operations
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This learning program aims to provide the refrigeration industry with competent individuals who can operate and supervise refrigeration equipment with the knowledge and skills to meet the PCBU requirements.
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Process Operations - advanced
Supervisor / Manager Level
This program is suitable for experienced energy and chemical plant employees working as senior control room operators, or those wishing to enter the role in a range of energy and chemical plant contexts. This follows on from completion of the Pathway stages as noted above.
Competent Trainees will be able to control the safe and efficient operation of an energy and chemical plant and carry out a range of complex operations in a self-managed capacity.
- Strand or Stand-alone package of Outage Co-ordination
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