Online Learning and Work Controls
Under the Health and Safety regulations, the PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking) shall ensure that all employees are adequately trained to operate the equipment, and have documented evidence of their competency, and an ongoing review. We work with our industry stakeholders throughout New Zealand and overseas to ensure that their Process Operations, Boiler House safety and Steam, Turbine, Generator, Refrigeration plus more; competency learning needs are met. We also specialise in needs analysis for site training programs and Standard Operating Procedures.
As an independent provider of learning and assessment material design for companies around the globe, we have close direct relationships with the New Zealand stakeholders and work with Hanga-Aro-Rau Workforce Development Council to assist with continuous improvement for Industry. We are part of the review group for the qualifications and internally review all our own content bi-annually, to meet our customers’ needs.
Mā wai te huarahi e hora? Mā ngā ahumahi!
Who will pave the pathway forward? Industry will!
We offer a comprehensive Energy and Chemical learning pathway through our TTG Online Learning Platform – the first in New Zealand – and ongoing mentoring ensuring competency against operating best practice, on your own site. We spent 15 years providing learning and assessment services to the ITO’s and became independent when the government established Te Pūkenga. The change meant the previously known ITO’s could not use other company’s learning material to deliver qualifications.
Online Learning App
TTG Online, our online portal to everything related to your study, is where you can access all your learning and assessment material, videos, guides and access your progress in real time.
TTG offer our very own on-line ‘Office Hours’ forum where every trainee is given the opportunity to speak directly with a TTG mentor/assessor each week. This allows the opportunity for questions to be answered, lessons to be discussed or shared to enable learners to remain motivated to succeed. This has been hugely successful in eliminating leave and travel to attend courses and increases the face to face time with our mentors and assessors. How can your team and business NOT benefit from our online learning?
Our team will provide you with a login for TTG Online once your enrolment is complete.
Work Controls
We provide online self-directed Work Control Recipient and Issuer workshops, including refresher accreditation bi-annually. This covers the GPG and Staylive requirements for site isolation safety. Why travel and sit in class when you can complete your learning online? TTG is a registered provider on the JNCTN app for Staylive certification. //
Enquire with our team via email now.